моддинг прошивок без декомпиляции apk файлов и прошивки через CWM
версия: 2.5.1
Последнее обновление программы в шапке: 12.04.2014
Для функционирования программы необходимы права root пользователя.
Краткое описание:
Приложение для изменения приложений и настроек прошивок без необходимости их декомпиляции, компиляции и подписи.
In this thread, I'm presenting a framework which gives you the possibility to modify your ROM - without modifying any APK (developers) or flashing (users)!
Some technical details:
Instead, I extended the /system/bin/app_process executable to load a JAR file on startup. The classes of this file will sit in every process (including the system_server) and can act with their powers. And even more: I have implemented something that allows developers to replace any method in any class (may it be in the framework, systemui or a custom app). This makes Xposed very powerful, it is basically running in "god mode". You can change parameters for the method call, modify the return value or skip the call to the method completely - it's all up to you! Also replacing or adding resources is easy.Advantages:
No need to modify any APKs. This means:
No need to decompile, change things in smali, compile, sign, ...
It will work for odexed and deodexed ROMs.
Your mod is not bound to a specific version of the ROM. Unless there is a major change in the methods called for a certain functionality, your mod will continue to work even when you upgrade your ROM. Hell, it will probably even work with different ROMs.
Multiple mods can be installed at the same time, even if they change the same package. So you can use these battery icons and those quick toggles. Even hooking the same method twice is possible. Of course, this only works properly if the mods are not trying to do incompatible things.
It does its magic at runtime. That means you can implement options to let the user decide if they prefer the bikeshed to be painted in red or blue. Or you can have some extra logic for certain ROMs without building different mod versions.
It can be disabled easily without having to reflash.
It's open source.Current status / how to write a module:
The framework is working quite well for 4.0, 4.1 and also 4.2 (although the latter has only been tested by few people). Some mods have been created also by other developers. If you are an interested developer, give it a try. The development tutorial will help you get started.What's up next:
Implement mod loading. Right now, the mods would have to be compiled into the Xposed jar file. Very soon, you should be able to create your own JAR file that will be loaded by Xposed. done!
Build a flashable archive. I currently use SSH/adb to push updates to my device. Alternative: Create an app that can install it and install mods (actually my preferred choice). done!
Find some interested mod developers to create some easy mods for Xposed.
Look into resource loading/replacing. Developers should get an easy way to replace e.g. icons, layouts etc. done!Source code:
https://github.com/rovo89/Xposed (the C++ part)
https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge (the Java part)
https://github.com/rovo89/XposedInstaller (Installer app)
https://github.com/rovo89/XposedMods (my modules)Download:
You can download the installer from the attachment.Modules:
See http://www.villainrom.co.uk/forum/fo...ramework_mods/ and this thread. There might also be other threads for modules.
Please don't use this thread for problems with modules! Use the thread of the module instead.How to install:
For the framework:
Download XposedInstaller.apk and install it
Launch the Xposed Installer and click on "Install/Update"
Done!For any modifications/modules you want to install:
Download <module>.apk and install it
Launch the Xposed Installer and go to the "Modules" tab (you will also get there if you click on the notification warning you that the module is not enabled yet)
Enable the module by checking the checkbox
Done!In case you get into a boot loop:
You can flash the attached Xposed-Disabler-CWM.zip by Tungstwenty. It will be copied to your (external) SD card when you install Xposed as well. The only thing it does is copying /system/bin/app_process.orig back to /system/bin/app_process, which you can also do yourself (e.g. with adb shell in recovery mode).
You could also create a file /data/xposed/disabled, which causes Xposed to be bypassed as well.
1. Прикрепленный файл AllAppsInPlayStore_1357592057_3187.apk ( 4.29 КБ )
(позволяет избежать ошибок приложений в Google Play после изменения dpi экрана)2. Прикрепленный файл PlayStoreLinkInAppInfo10_1357096620_2350.apk ( 6.62 КБ )
(добавляет кнопку Google Play настройки - приложения - Ваше приложение - О приложении. Приложение должно быть установлено с маркета!)3. Прикрепленный файл XposedAppSettings009_1358009916_2353.apk ( 62.47 КБ )
(самое интересное! Позволяет менять разрешения отдельных приложений (я проверял на стоковом браузере), а также отключать его разрешения и менять язык по умолчанию) Русский язык Версия 1.7.1 rus4. Модуль исправления падений Gapps при изменении dpi на 240 - Прикрепленный файл GappsCrashFix_1360793277_3638.apk( 179.96 КБ )
5. Еще модули
6. TweakBox - цвет часов,переключение треков кнопками громкости и т.д
7. XBackground - Модуль ставит свое изображение или цвет в шторку и в меню Настроек телефона, также фон отображается в контактах, звонилке, смс...
8. Батарейки для Xposed- изменение иконки батареи в строке состояния
9. Xperia Mods -моды для смартфонов линейки Xperia
10. Master Key Dual Fix -патч для удаления уязвимости на 99% устройств
11. Smart Alarm Icon - умное отображение иконки будильника в строке состояния
12. XQuickSettingsToggles - замена переключателей в шторке
13. Full Screen Caller Picture - отображения фотографии контакта на весь экран
14. ® StatusBar IconColors,CenterClock,Fullscreencaller,CRTEffeсt
15. ® Icon Themer -замена иконок в любом лончере
16. XBatteries - Сборник батареек все в одном
17. ViewInPlay - Просмотр приложения в маркете в разных меню телефона
Совместимость: по утверждению автора любой смартфон с прошивкой ICS и Jelly Bean (неважно одекс или деодекс или кастом)
- При удалении самой программы или модулей, модификации в framework-res, сделанные программой/модулями, также удалятся.
- Программа не поддерживает среду исполнения ART и при установке сама меняет её на dalvik.
Русский интерфейс: Да
Разработчик: rovo89
Домашняя страница: Homepage
Mod by: WisdomSky
Домашняя страница: Xposed Extended
версия: 2.5.1 final Xposed_Installer_2.5.1.apk
версия: 2.5.1 final Rus ® Xposed
версия: 2.5.1 final для Huawei EmotionUI Xposed_Installer_v2.5.1_Huawei.apk